Support for hints, common questions, and problems
Nightfall 1.2 Update
Nightfall 1.2 is a minor update. We recommend it to users who have an ATI Rage128 or Rage128Pro 3D card in their machine. Fixes are as follows:
- Rage128 and Rage128Pro 3D cards can exhibit flickering sometimes. This is especially noticeable when turning within the game. ATI have written some new drivers to reduce the flickering - version 5.8.2 or later. Both the new drivers, and the new version of Nightfall are needed to take advantage of this fix.
- When playing a VERY long game , of over 500 hours, the in game timer would become inaccurate, and might cause an error. The 1.2 update fixes this error.
You can load the patch here: UpdateNightfallTo1.2.sea.hqx. It is a binhexed Stuffit archive. When you ftp it to your computer, if your browser is set up correctly, it will produce a folder, called UpdateNightfallToVersion1.2. If you cannot find them, and you see a file called UpdateNightfallTo1.2.sea.hqx or UpdateNightfallTo1.2.sea, use an application like Stuffit Expander 5.0 or better to extract the contents.
To improve and update Nightfall, please read through the Read Me instructions in the folder. Please reserve about 3 megabytes of free hard disk space for the changed files. After succesfully applying the update, you can double click on the resulting hard disk copy of Nightfall to enjoy the improvements.
Hints and tips
This section gives tips and how to solve some of the more difficult puzzles you encounter while playing Nightfall.
The links are listed roughly in the order you need to solve each level, though some things can be done out of order.
Each section contains hints spaced out, so you only have to read what you need to move on. Please note that there are also secret areas which you do not have to visit to
reach the final hour. There are no hints about these areas so that the mysteries inside remain solely for you to uncover.
Level 1: Finding the fourth Canopic Jar
Level 1: Finding your way back once the fourth Canopic Jar is retrieved
Level 1: Tips on exiting level 1
Level 2: In general, what do I do?
Level 2: Finding objects
Level 3: In general, what do I do?
Level 3: Appeasing the West Cobra
Level 3: Appeasing the East Cobra
Level 3: Making an Offering to the Serpents
Level 4: Steps to finish the level
Level 4: How to escape the bee complex
Level 4: Hints on how to get to the next level
Level 5: Opening the door to the four races chamber
Level 5: What do I do in general to find and solve the four races problem?
Level 5: First room (the one highest up), closest to where you start the level
Level 5: Second room
Level 5: Third room
Level 5: Fourth, and lowest room farthest from where you enter the level
Level 6: In general, what do I do to complete the level?
Level 6: Room with pyramid drawn on the wall
Level 6: Room with the twinkling stars
Level 6: Room with the black pyramid on an altar, and a black star map on the wall
Level 6: Room with star constellations joined by lines
Level 6: Room just covered with stars
Level 7: What do I do in general to complete the level?
Level 7: Opening the door to the City
Level 7: Gaining access to the City
Level 7: Exploring the Offering Rooms
Level 7: Entering the Temple Area
Level 8: What do I do in general to complete the level?
Level 9: What do I do in general to complete the level?
Level 9: Raising the Bridge to the Island of Flame
Level 9: Going to the Island of Flame
Level 10: What do I do in general to complete the level?
Level 10: Getting Started - Finding the Osiris Rooms
Level 10: The Column Room
Level 10: The Wind Rooms - Lower and Upper Chambers
Level 11: What do I do in general to complete the level?
Level 11: Getting Started - Navigating the Water Canal
Level 11: Leaving the Palm Room
Level 11: The Fireballs and the Maze of Corridors
Level 12: What do I do in general to complete the level?
Level 12: Getting Started
Level 12: The Monkey Chambers
Level 12: The Chamber of the Seven Monkeys
Level 13: What do I do in general to complete the level?
Level 13: Getting Started
Level 13: Finding your way out of the tomb
Level 13: Unlocking the door to the disk chamber
Reminder: There are no hints for level 14, which is a bonus for those who understood the mysteries of levels 1-13. Similarly, there are no hints for the extra areas in levels 1-13, which you do not have to visit to complete the game. This is so that the mysteries inside remain solely for you to uncover.
Common questions
This section links to frequently asked questions (FAQ) concerning Nightfall.
Solving common problems
Here, we list common problems and potential solutions concerning Nightfall.
Before applying these fixes, please look through the Read Me prefs & problems included on the Nightfall CD, as this has many solutions to common problems.